Safer Supply Program

The Safer Supply Program is an extension of the traditional harm reduction support and services currently being offered through Sanguen Health Centre in partnership with The Working Centre. Sanguen Health Centre received funding from Health Canada in March 2021 to develop and implement Safer Supply services in response to the drug poisoning crisis with an objective of reducing overdose-related harm and overdose death in the Kitchener- Waterloo community.

The Safer Supply program utilizes a health promotion, community-based service delivery model that offers a range of social and health care supports from a trauma- and violence- informed lens. Through this program, Physicians and Nurse Practitioners prescribe legal, pharmaceutical opioids to participants to support clients in reducing or replacing their interactions with the toxic, unregulated street supply of fentanyl. As a program and organization we strive to provide a safe environment for people who use drugs in our community that is non-judgemental, inclusive, non-coercive, non-punitive and justice- oriented.


Due to limited resources and capacity, the Safer Supply program will remain closed to referrals indefinitely.


Our EVALUATION REPORTS are here!! Check out the two reports from Kitchener- Waterloo’s Safer Supply Program completed by a team of leading public health experts!

Report 1: Kitchener-Waterloo Safer Supply Program: Client Outcomes highlights program demographics, as well as, client outcomes at 6-months of enrollment in the Safer Supply Program.

Report 2: Kitchener-Waterloo Safer Supply Program: A Collaborative Model of Care highlights the incredible and meaningful work of our Safer Supply team and Community Partners (The Working Centre & Community Healthcaring Kitchener-Waterloo).

The Report highlights Kitchener-Waterloo’s Safer Supply program’s unique model of service delivery. Download the reports here:

You can also watch the Webinar: Research Highlight on the Kitchener-Waterloo program findings that was hosted by the Safer Supply National Community of Practice this past December 2023.

Watch now: Safer Supply Takes a Village: Findings from the Kitchener-Waterloo Program Evaluation

The Safer Supply Program at Sanguen Health Centre is an active member of the Safer Supply Community of Practice that facilitates knowledge exchange, skill sharing and capacity- building to scale up Safer Supply and support safer supply clinical/program development and implementation, as well as, prescribers interested in or offering Safer Supply medications across the country.


If you are looking for general information or resources about the Safer Supply Program at Sanguen Health Centre please email or call our general line at 519- 465-4275. Also, check out our program evaluation reports above:

Report 1 highlights client outcomes captured after 6 month enrollment in the Safer Supply Program.

Report 2 highlights the incredible work of our Safer Supply team and Community Partners

If you are an external health care provider looking to connect about a rostered client of the Safer Supply program, please reach out to the client’s Safer Supply practitioner directly or call the general line and leave a detailed message at 519-465-4275.