Loss of Harm Reduction Programs in Ontario
The Provincial government has recently announced the decision to close supervised consumption sites throughout Ontario including the Consumption and Treatment Services site in Kitchener. Supervised consumption sites save lives by providing harm reduction supports and are backed by a robust base of evidence. The closure of the Kitchener CTS site will result in widespread harms, including increased preventable deaths of community members. Many supporters have come forward with questions and offers to help. We will keep this page updated with any information or decisions that are available.
What is Harm Reduction?
Harm reduction can refer to a range of activities, including programs and policies, that aim to reduce the potentially adverse health, social and economic consequences of substance use, without requiring abstinence from substances.
What is Harm Reduction?
Inherent in the harm reduction approach is a way of working with people that “meets people where they are at” in a client-centered, non-judgmental, pragmatic way, regardless of whether they are using substances or not.
In the context of the drug poisoning and policy crisis that has created an increasingly unpredictable and sometimes toxic supply, harm reduction is intended to reduce the likelihood of accidental overdoses, emergency service calls, and even deaths – keeping people informed means keeping people alive.
Harm Reduction Resources:
Ontario Harm Reduction Network
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition
Overdose Prevention in Waterloo Region
Overdose continues to be a concern in Waterloo Region, and across Canada. If you are using drugs or caring for someone who is using drugs, the following links provide information on preventing overdose:
How to reduce the risk of an overdose
- Use with someone else and take turns spotting for each other. A buddy system is safer than using alone.
- Use a supervised consumption service. The Kitchener CTS at 150 Duke Street operates everyday from 9am – 9pm.
- If you must use alone, have a safety plan. Get someone to check on you either by phone or in person. Before you use alone, call the National Overdose Prevention Line at 1-888-688-NORS (6677).
- Consider your supply. Ask others about what they are experiencing with the same drug or batch. You can also have your drugs checked at the Kitchener CTS.
- Watch for drug alerts on Sanguen’s social media accounts or through the drug alert system as part of the Waterloo Region Integrated Drug Strategy.
- Start with a small amount.
- Mixing substances, including alcohol, increases risk of overdose.
- Get naloxone. Injectable and nasal spray naloxone is available free at select pharmacies. Check the Naloxone Kit Finder to search for pharmacies in your area.
Know the Signs of Overdose
- The following signs may indicate that a person you are with is experiencing an overdose:
- Can’t wake the person up
- Breathing is very slow, erratic or has stopped
- Deep snoring or gurgling sounds
- Fingernails or lips are blue or purple
- Body is very limp
Download the signs of opioid overdose infographic from Toronto Public Health here.
5 Steps to Overdose Response
- Shout and Shake: shout their name and shake their shoulders.
- Call 911: If the person is unresponsive, call 911 immediately. If you’re worried about being in trouble, learn more about the Good Samaritan Act.
- Administer Naloxone: 1 spray into the person’s nostril and/or 1 ampoule into the person’s arm or leg.
- Start CPR: Do chest compressions and/or rescue breathing.
- Assess if it’s working: If there is no improvement in 2 – 3 minutes, repeat steps 3 & 4.
Information and Resources to Help and Support Harm Reduction
Homelessness and Addiction Recovery Treatment (HART) Hubs
Announcement regarding closure of CTS locations and funding
Ministry of Health Announcement regarding closure of CTS locations and funding for HART Hubs – https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1004955/ontario-protecting-communities-and-supporting-addiction-recovery-with-new-treatment-hubs
Letters to support Harm Reduction:
RNAO Action Alert
Ask the premier to withdraw his plan to close SCSs and slash harm reduction services in Ontario. https://rnao.ca/policy/action-alerts/withdraw-your-plan-to-close-supervised-consumption-sites-premier
– How to find your MPP – https://www.ola.org/en/members/current
Sample Letter Templates
Letter for concerned citizens of Waterloo Region-
Letter for CTS clients who also want to write their own content-
Letter for CTS clients to sign –
Statements regarding the loss of Harm Reduction programs
– CAMH https://www.camh.ca/en/camh-news-and-stories/camh-statement-supervised-consumption-sites-082024
– Alliance for Healthier Communities https://www.allianceon.org/news/Eliminating-access-vital-harm-reduction-care-and-programs-will-have-high-costs-Ontario-families
– CATIE https://www.catie.ca/catie-calls-for-a-hold-on-closing-ontario-supervised-consumption-sites
Other Resources
Sanguen Health Centre and WRIDS on Harm Reduction (coming soon)
Frequently Asked Questions about Supervised Consumption Sites:
Community Advocacy Groups https://www.drugactionteam.ca/
Newsletter (coming soon)
Sign up for our monthly newsletter with updates about Sanguen Health Centre, Harm Reduction and other community impacts.